8 Long-Term Strategies for Managing Anxiety: How to Identify and Manage Your Triggers and More

How to Manage Anxiety: 8 Long-Term Strategies

Anxiety can be an extremely debilitating condition, but fortunately, there are a number of strategies that can help you manage your anxiety over the long-term. Here are 8 strategies that you can implement to help you cope with anxiety.

1. Identify and Learn to Manage Your Triggers: By understanding what triggers your anxiety, you can develop strategies to reduce its intensity or prevent it from occurring.

2. Adopt Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on helping you identify and change negative thought patterns that can lead to increased anxiety.

3. Use Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques: Visualization techniques, meditation, and yoga are all great examples of relaxation techniques that can help reduce stress and anxiety. Taking a time-out to practice yoga, listen to music, meditate, get a massage, or learn relaxation techniques can also be beneficial.

4. Eat Well-Balanced Meals: Eating a healthy diet can help improve your mood and reduce the intensity of anxiety symptoms. Make sure to avoid skipping meals, which can lead to increased feelings of anxiety.

5. Talk About Your Feelings: Talking about your feelings with a friend, family member, health professional, or counsellor can help you better process your thoughts and emotions.

6. Use Calming Breathing Exercises: Learning and practicing calming breathing exercises can help you relax and reduce the intensity of anxiety symptoms.

7. Exercise: Regular physical activity can help reduce stress and improve your overall mental health.

8. Try Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy can help relieve anxiety without the use of medication. Other self-help strategies such as deep breathing, guided imagery, and mind-body training can also be beneficial. Additionally, you can put your anxiety on a schedule, such as picking a 15-minute window each day to think about your anxieties, and then tell your brain to stop worrying.

By implementing these long-term strategies, you can learn to better manage your anxiety and live a more fulfilling life.


What are five strategies for managing anxiety?

Challenge negative thoughts. …
Set realistic goals. …
Stay connected with others. …
Reach out for help when needed.

Three methods to decrease tension could be: 1) deep breathing exercises, 2) engaging in regular physical activity, and 3) practicing mindfulness.

Talking to a therapist.
Exercising regularly.
Practicing relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation.

What are some techniques for managing anxiety?

Engaging in regular physical activity, consuming a nutritious diet, getting sufficient rest, and maintaining relationships with supportive people are effective methods for managing anxiety.

The 5 4 3 2 1 technique is a coping strategy that involves focusing your attention on five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.

This technique can be used to help reduce feelings of anxiety for someone who is anxious by having them focus on their senses. Specifically, it involves having them identify five things they can see, four things they can touch, three things they can hear, two things they can smell, and one thing they can taste.


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